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32 Next, a Levite[a] came there, and after he went over and looked at the man, he walked by on the other side of the road. 33 Then a Samaritan[b] traveling down the road came to where the hurt man was. When he saw the man, he felt very sorry for him. 34 The Samaritan went to him, poured olive oil and wine[c] on his wounds, and bandaged them. Then he put the hurt man on his own donkey and took him to an inn where he cared for him.

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  1. 10:32 Levite Levites were members of the tribe of Levi who helped the Jewish priests with their work in the Temple. Read 1 Chronicles 23:24–32.
  2. 10:33 Samaritan Samaritans were people from Samaria. These people were part Jewish, but the Jews did not accept them as true Jews. Samaritans and Jews disliked each other.
  3. 10:34 olive oil and wine Oil and wine were used like medicine to soften and clean wounds.

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